Monday, December 10, 2007

The Milky Way Bar and The Meru

Teaching of Jainism have always been cosidered to be scientific. One who has read about Jain Cosmology described in Jain Agams and About the Milky way bar, might see the similarity between the both. Let me tell, as to how i see it. The tall Bar at the center of our Milky way seems to be the tall Meru Parvat at the center of Jambudweep. Meru Parwat is said to be of 100,000 yojan height ( One Yojan equals 3600 miles ) and is said to be thin and of conical shape. 2 Sun and 2 Moons revolve around The Meru at the height of 800 and 880 Yojan respectively in a spiral fashion( The two Suns are said to be ditto, very identical. The same about 2 Moons.). This is makes me think of the four arms of Our Milky Way galaxy with our Sun as part of the one of them.

Now talking about what's at the bottom of The Meru, It is the circular land called Jambudweep (Jambudvipa) which again has a diameter of 100,000 Yojan. At the periphery of the Jambudvipa(in south) is a small hill, which is our known world, containing the America, Africa, Europe, Russia, India, Australia, Japan etc...